The SHAW Center in Scottsdale, Arizona uses Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) which is extracted from your own blood. ALL PRP is not the same! The levels of platelets and growth factors in the final PRP product will determine the longevity and success of the PRP procedure. At the SHAW Center we are using the top of the line Magellan TruPRP device which results in the best closed system PRP available (see video).
Hair Restoration for Men
Advancements in the field of platelet rich plasma therapy have led to its use as a PRP hair treatment option. This therapy is ideal for sufferers of premature balding and hair loss. PRP for hair restoration purposes can provide natural looking results, without the need for costly surgical procedures.

Schedule Your Scottsdale Plastic Surgery Consult at The SHAW Center
Dr. Lawrence Shaw, an experienced board certified plastic surgeon, provides plastic surgery to patients in Scottsdale, Phoenix and surrounding areas. We are conveniently located just off the Loop 101 in North Scottsdale, Arizona. To discover more about your procedure of interest, please contact us today to schedule your consultation.
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