Brow Lift
in scottsdale

What is a Brow Lift

The brow lift, or forehead lift as it is also known, is a plastic surgery procedure designed to restore a refreshed and youthful appearance to the brow and forehead area. During the surgery, the forehead is smoothed and the eyebrows are elevated to a natural “aesthetic” position. This improves the appearance of a drooping brow line and horizontal lines and furrows also known as worry lines.

How is a Brow Lift Performed?

The surgical time for a browlift typically lasts between one and two hours usually under general anesthesia. The browlift may be performed with either a traditional technique or as an endoscopic procedure. Incisions are usually located at or behind the hairline. When an endoscopic technique is used, several smaller incisions are made behind the hairline. Working through the incisions, extra tissue is removed, the muscles are altered, and the eyebrows will be elevated. The forehead skin is then pulled upward and the excess removed before closing the incisions.

After the surgery, the forehead may be wrapped in a light bandage which can stay in place for about one to two days. Patients can expect some bruising and swelling with most of swelling fading within about one week and the bruising within about two to three weeks. Numbness, headaches or other discomfort can also occur. Stitches are usually removed within 7 to 10 days.  In general, the endoscopic technique involves a shorter and easier recovery but results may be more subtle and not as long lasting. It will take about seven to ten days before work and other light activities can be resumed, often sooner for endoscopic patients. It will be several weeks before more strenuous activities can be resumed,  Dr. Shaw will get you back to your routines as soon as possible.

Is a Brow Lift for Me?

If you stand in front of a mirror and lightly lift your forehead with your hand, you can get an ideas of what a brow lift will look like. If you feel you look more awake, alert (not surprised), and refreshed then a brow lift may be for you.


Eyebrows that have begun to drop or sag on the forehead

Forehead wrinkles

Eyebrows that have flattened and lost their natural arch

Reduce wrinkles around the eyes

Brow Lift in scottsdale

If you are interested in a brow lift to improve your appearance of your face, you can trust Dr. Lawrence Shaw and the dedicated team of professional providers The SHAW Center in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Request a consult or begin a Virtual Consult by filling out the forms below or call us today!

Doctor 	Shaw
Schedule Your Scottsdale Plastic Surgery Consult at The SHAW Center
Dr. Lawrence Shaw, an experienced board certified plastic surgeon, provides plastic surgery to patients in Scottsdale, Phoenix and surrounding areas. We are conveniently located just off the Loop 101 in North Scottsdale, Arizona. To discover more about your procedure of interest, please contact us today to schedule your consultation.
SCHEDULE YOUR CONSULTATION Virtual consultation start here

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Dr.Lawrence Shaw is a renowned, double board certified plastic surgeon specializing in cosmetic and plastic surgery for Phoenix and Scottsdale, Arizona, including procedures such as breast augmentation, tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), liposuction, rinoplasty, cosmetic facial and eyelid surgery. The Spa at The SHAW Center offers an array of non-surgical cosmetic procedures. He serves Phoenix, Scottsdale Valley, Glendale, Tempe, Chandler.
Disclaimer: This web is designed for general information only. The information presented at this site should not be construted to be formal medical advice nor the some plastic surgery procedures. Results will vary. Please call The SHAW Center to schedule your consultation appointment to explore your aesthetic option.
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