Smart Lipo (aka laser liposuction, laser lipo and SmartLipo) is a marvelous technology to safely and permanently remove under chin / neck fat pockets and tighten skin at the same time leading to an enhanced masculine jawline. Dr. Shaw finds this the treatment of choice in the neck area rivaling all non-invasive techniques based on radio-frequencey and ultrasound. It is available to men in Scottsdale at The SHAW Center. Combined with suction lipectomy the the results of the procedure are visible as soon as swelling subsides, usually within about a week.
With Smart Lipo, a 1mm cannula containing a fiber optic cable is inserted under the skin. The optic fibre is then guided through the treatment area by Dr. Shaw who was among the first to perform SmartLipo in Scottsdale, AZ. Laser energy delivered through the fiber melts the fat cells, which are then broken down and aspirated (suctioned). In addition the heating of the underside skin stimulates collagen production in the skin, tightening and toning from the inside, resulting in a smoother, firmer result.
Dr. Shaw has unrivalled experience performing Smart Lipo procedures since he was among the pioneers to bring Smart Lipo to Scottsdale, AZ