IPL PhotoFacial
in scottsdale
IPL PhotoFacial in Scottsdale

IPL meaning Intense Pulsed Light is a non-invasive and non-ablative treatment that uses high intensity pulses of visible light to improve the appearance of brown spots, sun damage and vessels without harming the surrounding skin. The light delivered to your skin causes them to slowly disappear through your body’s natural healing process.

A series of treatments may be needed for desired results. Treatment plans can be adjusted to fit everyone’s lifestyle. We proceed after a thorough complimentary consultation and analysis of your skin. We take our time in explaining the process regarding downtime, comfort and results.


This special treatment works with your skin to remove imperfections and stimulate collagen and elastic fiber production over a sequence of treatments. Some conditions such as shallow pigmentation and age/sun spots can be cleared with as few as 1-2 treatments! Typically 2-4 sessions are needed to achieve maximum results for deeper skin concerns.


If you suffer from the chronic redness and flushing that characterize facial rosacea, you know how aggravating this condition can be, and how it can negatively affect so much of your life. IPL offers a practically painless and long-term solution for rosacea treatment. Results that will not only change how you look…but how you feel.


Most birthmarks are harmless, and many fade away in the first few years of life. But for those that persist, IPL offers a revolutionary birthmark treatment that completely avoids the complications and side effects of alternative options like corticosteroid medications, surgery and freezing. IPL is a low-trauma treatment for children, as well as a true answer for adults who want to solve the problem safely and simply.


You know those little red lines that appear around the nose or on your cheeks…and stubbornly resist cover-up? IPL treatment can banish them. By delivering broadband light in highly focused pulses, IPL provides pinpoint accuracy to capillary removal that won’t disturb healthy tissue or other blood vessels in the area. Veins disappear. And there’s nothing to show you’ve had anything done, except clearer, younger-looking skin.


What might be adorable as a kid often proves less desirable as an adult. Bleaching agents, strong acid peels or ablative lasers were a common approach until Intense Pulsed Light treatments. IPL freckle treatments works without causing allergic reactions, burns or the uneven skin tones often associated with bleaching. And unlike aggressive peels and lasers, it doesn’t damage healthy tissue, cause scarring or require a lengthy recovery. After a few gentle treatments, even the most stubborn freckles simply fade away.

Doctor 	Shaw
Schedule Your Scottsdale Plastic Surgery Consult at The SHAW Center
Dr. Lawrence Shaw, an experienced board certified plastic surgeon, provides plastic surgery to patients in Scottsdale, Phoenix and surrounding areas. We are conveniently located just off the Loop 101 in North Scottsdale, Arizona. To discover more about your procedure of interest, please contact us today to schedule your consultation.
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Dr.Lawrence Shaw is a renowned, double board certified plastic surgeon specializing in cosmetic and plastic surgery for Phoenix and Scottsdale, Arizona, including procedures such as breast augmentation, tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), liposuction, rinoplasty, cosmetic facial and eyelid surgery. The Spa at The SHAW Center offers an array of non-surgical cosmetic procedures. He serves Phoenix, Scottsdale Valley, Glendale, Tempe, Chandler.
Disclaimer: This web is designed for general information only. The information presented at this site should not be construted to be formal medical advice nor the some plastic surgery procedures. Results will vary. Please call The SHAW Center to schedule your consultation appointment to explore your aesthetic option.
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