Celebrate the first ever Juvederm Day with The SHAW Center on August 16th, 2023!

Allergan has announced its very first Juvederm Day! For one day only, you can buy $150 in Juvederm gift cards for just $75! You’ll also have the opportunity to earn DOUBLE and TRIPLE Allē points when you get treated with 2 or 3 Juvederm filler syringes at the same visit from August 16-31. Click on the image above for more information!

Why Juvederm?

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a naturally occurring substance that keeps skin moisturized and soft. Juvederm fillers are nonsurgical options that contain a modified form of HA. Treatment with Juvederm products by a licensed specialist provides long-lasting, natural-looking results. In fact, in a survey of aesthetic providers with experience using three or more dermal filler brands, the Juvederm brand was preferred over two times more than other dermal filler brands. Plus, fillers that use HA have been a two choice for patients–over 90% of filler patients receive an HA dermal filler.

How Does Juvederm Work?

During a treatment, a Juvederm filler is injected into the treatment area by a licensed specialist using a needle or cannula. Juvederm fillers add volume to the treatment area. Results with Juvederm fillers are not permanent, and pretreatment is usually needed to maintain your results.

What is Hyaluronic Acid?

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a sugar naturally produced by the body that retains moisture in the skin. The main ingredient in Juvederm fillers is a modified form of HA. Juvederm fillers temporarily restore volume loss in certain areas of the face and help provide long-lasting, natural-looking results.


A double chin is a cause of insecurity for many. If you have tried everything to get rid of your double chin, these are three of the most popular non-surgical methods to get rid of your double chin forever!


A double chin can be a source of frustration and self-consciousness for many. While it’s a common aesthetic concern, understanding the underlying causes and available treatment options is crucial in order to effectively address the issue.

What is a Double Chin?

A double chin, also known as submental fat, is a common condition in which there is an accumulation of excess fat beneath the chin, resulting in the appearance of a second layer of skin and fat in that area. It can create the illusion of having two chins or a sagging appearance under the jawline. This excess fat can affect individuals of all ages and body types, regardless of their weight or overall fitness level.

What Causes a Double Chin?



As we age, several changes occur in our bodies that contribute to the development of a double chin. The skin loses elasticity over time, leading to sagging and the appearance of loose folds beneath the chin. Additionally, the muscles in the neck and chin area may weaken, causing a loss of muscle tone and definition. These factors, combined with the natural redistribution of fat in the body, can result in submental fullness.


Excess weight or obesity is a common cause of double chins. When you gain weight, your body stores fat deposits in various areas, including beneath the chin. The accumulation of fat in this area can lead to the appearance of a double chin. However, it’s important to note that individuals at a healthy weight can also have submental fullness due to other factors such as genetics or aging.


Genetics play a significant role in determining an individual’s predisposition to developing a double chin. If your parents or other family members have a history of submental fullness, you may be more likely to inherit this characteristic. Genetic factors can influence the distribution of fat in your body, including the chin area.

Poor Posture

Maintaining poor posture, such as constantly slouching or having a forward head position, can contribute to the development of a double chin. Poor posture places strain on the neck and chin muscles, weakening them over time. As the muscles lose their strength and elasticity, they are less able to support the tissues in the chin area, resulting in sagging and the appearance of a double chin.

What is the Best Way to Get Rid of a Double Chin?



Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable treatment specifically designed to reduce submental fat. It contains synthetic deoxycholic acid, a substance naturally produced in the body to aid in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. Kybella injections are strategically administered into the fat beneath the chin, causing the destruction and subsequent elimination of fat cells. The treatment typically requires multiple sessions spaced a few weeks apart, and results gradually become visible over time.

Benefits of Kybella:
  • Non-surgical: Kybella offers a non-surgical alternative to reducing double chins, making it an attractive option for those who want to avoid invasive procedures.
  • Permanent results: Kybella destroys fat cells, leading to long-lasting results, as the treated fat does not return.
  • Minimal downtime: Compared to surgical options, Kybella involves minimal downtime, allowing individuals to resume their normal activities shortly after treatment.


CoolSculpting, also known as cryolipolysis, is a non-invasive treatment that uses controlled cooling to freeze and destroy fat cells. The procedure involves placing an applicator on the chin area, which then delivers precisely controlled cooling to the targeted fat cells, causing them to crystallize and eventually die off. Over time, the body naturally eliminates these dead fat cells, resulting in a reduction of submental fullness.

Benefits of CoolSculpting:
  • Non-surgical and non-invasive: CoolSculpting requires no incisions, anesthesia, or downtime, making it a convenient option for individuals seeking non-surgical treatments.
  • Targeted treatment: The procedure specifically targets and eliminates fat cells in the chin area without affecting surrounding tissues.
  • Gradual, natural-looking results: CoolSculpting allows for a gradual reduction of submental fat, resulting in natural-looking outcomes.


Smart Lipo

Smart Lipo, or laser liposuction, is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that combines traditional liposuction with laser technology. During the procedure, a small incision is made beneath the chin, and a laser fiber is inserted to liquefy the fat cells. The liquefied fat is then gently suctioned out, contouring the chin area and reducing submental fullness.

Benefits of Smart Lipo:
  • Enhanced precision: The laser technology used in Smart Lipo allows for precise targeting of fat cells, minimizing damage to surrounding tissues.
  • Simultaneous skin tightening: The laser energy used in Smart Lipo stimulates collagen production, resulting in improved skin tightness and elasticity.
  • Dramatic and immediate results: Smart Lipo typically provides noticeable results immediately after the procedure, with continued improvements over time as the body heals.



Double chins, or submental fullness, can be caused by a combination of factors, including genetics, aging, weight gain, and poor posture. Understanding these causes is crucial in choosing the most appropriate treatment option.

Fortunately, there are effective treatment options available to address submental fullness. Kybella, CoolSculpting, and Smart Lipo offer different approaches, from non-surgical to minimally invasive procedures, to target and reduce fat beneath the chin.

Kybella, a non-surgical injectable treatment, destroys fat cells beneath the chin, providing long-lasting results. CoolSculpting uses controlled cooling to freeze and eliminate fat cells, gradually reducing the appearance of a double chin. Smart Lipo, a minimally invasive surgical procedure, combines laser technology with liposuction to contour the chin area and tighten the skin.

Consulting with a qualified medical professional will help determine the most suitable treatment option based on individual needs, preferences, and desired outcomes. Remember, saying goodbye to a double chin is possible with the advancements in cosmetic treatments available today.

Whether you choose a non-surgical approach like Kybella or CoolSculpting or opt for the precision of Smart Lipo, regaining confidence and achieving a more contoured chin is within reach. Embrace the opportunity to address submental fullness and feel more comfortable and confident in your own skin.

You may have heard of exosomes as tiny messengers that can potentially revolutionize medicine, but did you know they also hold the key to rejuvenating your skin and hair?


Exosomes, the tiny vesicles that have been causing a stir in the medical world, are now making waves in the beauty industry. These microscopic messengers secreted by cells contain a plethora of growth factors, proteins, and other bioactive molecules that can work wonders for your skin and hair. We’ll explore the benefits of exosomes and how they can help you achieve flawless skin and luscious hair.

What are exosomes?

Exosomes are small extracellular vesicles that are released by cells. They are responsible for intercellular communication and play a vital role in the maintenance of cellular homeostasis. Exosomes carry a wide range of bioactive molecules, including proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids, that are crucial for cellular signaling and tissue repair.

Benefits of Exosomes for the Skin

Exosome-based skin treatments are becoming increasingly popular as they can help rejuvenate the skin and reduce the signs of aging. The growth factors present in exosomes can stimulate collagen production, which is essential for maintaining skin elasticity and firmness. They can also promote skin regeneration, reduce inflammation, and even out skin tone.

Exosomes can be used to treat a variety of skin conditions, including acne, rosacea, and eczema. They can also help reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and dark spots. In addition, exosomes are biocompatible, meaning they are unlikely to cause an allergic reaction, making them a safer alternative to other skin treatments.

Benefits of Exosomes for Hair

Exosomes can also be used to promote hair growth and improve hair health. Hair follicles have stem cells that are responsible for hair growth. However, as we age, the activity of these stem cells declines, leading to thinning and hair loss. Exosomes can stimulate the activity of hair follicle stem cells, promoting new hair growth and improving the overall health of existing hair.

Exosomes also contain growth factors that can improve blood flow to the scalp, which is essential for healthy hair growth. They can also help repair damaged hair follicles, reduce hair breakage, and improve hair texture.

Exosome-based skin and hair treatments are a promising new technology that can help rejuvenate your skin and hair. They are safe, effective, and have the potential to revolutionize the beauty industry. As with any new technology, further research is needed to fully understand the benefits of exosomes. However, the early results are promising, and many people are already experiencing the benefits of these miniature marvels. So why not give exosome-based treatments a try and achieve perfect skin and hair?

It’s that time of year! The weather has cooled down and the heaters have been cranked up at the cost of your skin. Don’t fear, minimally invasive procedures are here to help you look your best!

The 4 treatments below are a fantastic way to look rejuvenated and brighten your look this holiday- with minimal to no downtime!

Skin Rejuvenation

Cold weather can often dry out your skin, leaving it dull and looking a little more wrinkled. Improved skin texture and tone can be quickly achieved with a chemical peel in office, a microneedling procedure, a HydraFacial, or even a laser treatment like Clear + Brilliant.

The right treatment for you depends on your skin type, skin care goals, and downtime. Schedule a consultation with one of our experienced aestheticians to find out which treatment is right for you.

Botulinum Toxin

Wrinkles caused by muscles around your eyes and forehead will respond well to neurotoxins like Botox, Dyspot, Xeomin, and Jeauveau. Just a few short days after your injections, you skin and wrinkles will look better.

Dermal Fillers

Deeper wrinkles in the lower face respond very well to dermal fillers. A quick injection by one of our nurse injectors will give you immediate results and should last for months (sometimes up to a year).

Common dermal filler brands include Juvederm, Restylane, Radiesse, Sculptra, and even your own fat. These dermal fillers all have different factors for placement- how long they last, the need for allergy testing, and what area you would like to treat. Talk to your injector about the best option for you.

Nonsurgical Fat Reduction

There are many nonsurgical fat reduction treatments available at The SHAW Center. We offer CoolSculpting, Sculpsure, EMSCULPT, Kybella, and Cryotherapy to help tone, sculpt, and reduce fat in your chin and body.

Kybella is a injectable that is injected under the chin to permanently melt fat- giving you a more contoured jaw line. Results are visible after the first treatment, and more than one treatment may be required depending on how much fat you have under your chin.

EMSculpt is the world’s only non surgical, non invasive treatment that simultaneously builds muscle and burns fat. The treatment uses focused electromagnetic energy to stimulate deep, supramaximal muscle contractions not possible through regular exercise. Your muscles get a super intense, targeted workout – and all you have to do it lie back and let the machine do the work!

CoolSculpting™is a revolutionary non-invasive procedure for men and women, developed by Harvard scientists, that freezes fat cells while leaving the overlying skin undamaged.The procedure is FDA-cleared and clinically proven to reduce fat in the treated area up to 20% in just one visit. CoolSculpting™ utilizes cold temperatures to target and damage fat cells in the treatment area. These damaged cells are then naturally disposed of by the body, leaving a more contoured look.

SculpSure is an FDA Cleared device to get rid of stubborn fat by using a warming technology that melts the fat cells while leaving the overlying skin undamaged. The damaged cells are naturally disposed of by the body and show a 24% decrease in fat reduction in the areas treated.

Some of these technologies for your body may not give you very fast results or may require slightly longer recovery time compared to skin care, injectable and other facial treatments. Make sure you get educated to make the right choice for your timeframe.



One of the best things about Botox is the fact that no true preparation is needed for your appointment.  However, there are some things that you can do to improve your results and minimize any risk of bruising that can occasionally occur from getting injections.

  • Avoid taking aspirin or using any products that contain Aspirin such as Ibuprofen, Aleve, Motrin, and most over the counter pain medication other than acetaminophen (Tylenol) two weeks prior to your treatment.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol two days before the treatment.
  • Be patient. Remember that it takes three or more days to see an effect from Botox. Don’t expect the injection to last forever, the effects of Botox last about three to four months before it’s time for another appointment.
  • Be honest with your provider- If you are taking any medication that thins your blood, including (but not limited to) Coumadin and Plavix, or if you smoke- your likelihood of bruising is increased. Your SHAW Center provider will apply Arnica Montanna to the treatment areas to reduce the incidence of bruising, and will suggest further treatment of Arnica Montanna at home to assist in the decrease of bruising.
  • Think long term. With repeated treatment, wrinkles often appear less severe over time because the muscles are trained to be less active. In younger patients, Botox may even prevent minor wrinkles from forming.

After your Botox appointment, you are free to go back to your daily activities (go back to work, go out to dinner/lunch, parties etc). However, The SHAW Center does not recommend exercising or lying down (flat on a bed) for four hours after your Botox treatment. If you have Botox injected around the eyes, you should avoid rigorously rubbing towards your eyes for a few days after your treatment.

Call The SHAW Center today to schedule your consultation! (480)767-1900

About Dr. Shaw

Dr. Lawrence Shaw is a double board certified plastic surgeon in Scottsdale, Arizona with over 30 years of aesthetic surgical experience. Dr. Shaw’s excellent reputation is attributed to his uncompromising commitment to the highest standards of patient care, rational decision making and meticulous surgical technique. He has thousands of satisfied patients throughout Arizona, the United States and beyond.

Dr. Shaw is the founder and medical director of The Spa at The SHAW Center which has grown into a Premier Medical Spa offering non-invasive, anti-aging services ranging from advanced skin care, neurotoxins, injectable facial fillers, non-invasive fat reduction, cryotherapy, IV infusion therapy, to lasers for vaginal rejuvenation, hair removal and skin rejuvenation.

About The SHAW Center

At The SHAW Center, over the last 30 years, Dr. Shaw has created an environment to attract the best team possible to promote innovation and exchange ideas to fulfill our mission.

Dr. Shaw’s vision is to deliver the utmost in surgical and nonsurgical cosmetic care and patient experience. We strive to be the plastic surgery and medical aesthetic spa of choice where we consistently meet or exceed our patient’s expectations. Caring for our patients, assessing and realizing aesthetic goals in a safe, comfortable environment is always our top priority.

We provide compassionate personalized care that extends well beyond the treatment and recovery period leaving our patients with a positive lifelong lasting impression. It is personally gratifying to see how many patients from the 80’s and 90’s are still our patients and now referring their children to Dr. Shaw and our office. Our patients truly become “patients for life” and part of The SHAW Center family.

We invite you to come meet our incredible team to explore and realize your aesthetic dreams.



Finding the motivation to stay in shape can be difficult, but if you surround yourself with the right reminders it can be a lot more encouraging.  It’s not news that we live in a world where social media reigns, and our to-do lists revolve around an ever-changing newsfeed. Your girlfriends just checked into that new wine bar down the street, so you make time to meet up with them for some pinot later. Your old college roommate just posted about her new Lululemon yoga pants, so you schedule some time to pick up your own pair on your way home from work. However, if you just followed the best of the best fitness gurus, you might find yourself making the time to do what they do instead of finding other distractions!
TwoBadBodies: @twobadbodies
This Instagram account is home to two girlfriends who met on the track at the University of Washington years ago and have been inseparable since. This beautiful athletic duo is dedicated to finding creative ways to inspire their followers to have fun with fitness on a regular basis. Jennifer Forrester and Kaisa Keranen lead workouts that range from synchronized stair workouts to jump rope routines.
Morgan |24|: @the_southern_yogi
Morgan DeYoung inspires upwards of twenty thousand people daily through her Instagram account by posting videos showcasing yoga poses, inspirational quotes and photos updating her body’s progress regularly. This Instagram is the type of account that motivates you to leap into downward facing dog even if you’ve never owned a yoga mat before!
Gisele Bundchen: @giseleofficial
If following this bombshell for her shear good looks isn’t enough, then add her to your list for her fitness skill set. You might have seen Gisele Bundchen’s Under Armour ad, and if you did it wouldn’t have taken much convincing to know that this angel knows how to kick butt. Gisele’s account features her sporting her most impressive yoga flows in some of the most sought after travel destinations. It doesn’t hurt that Tom Brady’s face makes an occasional appearance in her feed either.
Jeanette Jenkins: @msjeanettejenkins
This warrior woman is a trainer, nutritionist and Nike athlete and shares all of her secrets through her account daily. Known for her specialty in toned abs and her bikini boot camp, Jeanette includes posts complete with 10-minute total body blasts and healthy meal options. This powerhouse is enough to want to make you stop whatever it is you’re doing and get your sweat on.
Kayla Itsines: @kayla_itsines
Kayla is an Aussie beauty with a whole lot of brawns. With over 2.6 million followers, a comprehensive 12-week workout training guide and her own recipe EBooks, its no surprise this account has such a fan base! Kayla inspires through her daily posts featuring actual clients before and after photos that are routinely shared. Following this account not only shows you where you could be, but just how feasible it is through the involvement of other fan’s commitment.
Still searching for last minute gifts?  Christmas is just around the corner; give the gift of beauty this year!  The Shaw Center carries an array of products fit for anyone’s skincare and beauty needs.  Below are our top 5 best selling products that we’re sure everyone will enjoy!
1.    Latisse
Achieve full, flirty lashes with Latisse.  It is the first and only eyelash treatment that has been approved and proven effective by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and is only available by prescription.
2.    Obagi Products
The Shaw Center carries ZO Skin Health and ZO Medical product lines by Obagi.  These products provide a range of skincare solutions from sunscreen to cleansers to repair crèmes.  Some of the more popular products are the Offects Exfoliating Polish, Oclipse Sunscreen + Primer SPF 30, and Hydrafirm.   
3.    Clarisonic
The Clarisonic has become a popular skincare product due to its effectiveness and skin benefits.  The Sonic Cleansing System uses a patented sonic frequency of more than 300 movements per second to clean, soften and smooth your skin.  When used for 60 seconds a day, the micro-massage action cleans twice as effectively than manual cleaning.
4.    Nectifirm
Nectifirm has been created to tackle the changes that take place throughout the aging process on your neck.  This product rejuvenates your neck area by treating it differently than the skin on your face and utilizing powerful ingredients.  Ninety-six percent of users have reported a firmer neck while using Nectifirm.
5.    SkinCeuticals Hydrating B5 Gel
This serum is designed to aid in tissue repair and replenish nutrients that are essential for a smooth, youthful appearance.  This product also maximizes the benefits of a daily moisturizer and is suitable for all skin types.  *When you purchase a SkinCeuticals Daily Moisture and Hydrating B5 Gel at the Shaw Center, you will receive a FREE SkinCeuticals Antioxidant Lip Repair.  Act now because limited quantities are available!

For any questions regarding these products, call the Shaw Center at (480) 767-1900.  We wish everyone a very happy and beautiful holiday!      

            CoolSculpting is a non-invasive, innovative procedure that uses cooling technology to visibly remove fat without surgery.  The procedure targets fat cells alone, removing them in an effortless process that diet and exercise cannot attain as rapidly or as successfully.  If you have stubborn fat such as muffin tops, love handles or belly pooch that you can’t get rid of, CoolSculpting could be for you! 

            CoolSculpting is not a weight loss alternative for people who are excessively overweight and the procedure does not replace surgical methods such as liposuction.  Ideal candidates have distinct bulges in particular areas that they wish to remove.  A proper treatment plan will be discussed with your doctor during a consultation.  Although the amount and length of CoolSculpting treatments varies from patient to patient, an average treatment can last between one and three hours. 
            According to www.coolsculpting.com, the top 10 reasons to have CoolSculpting are: “1. I don’t love my handles, 2. Two words: summer vacation, 3. Make my time at the gym look like I’ve been to the gym, 4.  Show up at the reunion in the same jeans I wore then, 5. Move on to the resolutions #2 and #3, 6.  Put my bag in overhead without hesitation, 7. Wear spandex without embarrassment, 8. I eat right, so I deserve to look right, 9.  Make my birthday suit my best outfit, and 10.  I want my body back.” 
            After the treatment patients can expect little to no downtime, although some patients can potentially encounter minimal pain or discomfort.  Since the procedure is non-invasive, patients can usually get back to normal activities following the treatment.  Your doctor can explain more about what to anticipate during and after the procedure at your consultation. 
            Contact the Shaw Center today at (480) 767-1900 for more information and to schedule a consultation!
            Pharmaceutical grade products are only accessible through doctors or licensed aestheticians.  The reason is that these products are comprised of a larger amount of active ingredients versus over the counter (OTC) skincare products.  OTC products only work on the outer most layer of skin, while pharmaceutical products are able to penetrate several layers of skin all the way to the Dermis where collagen, elastin and new skin cells are located.            
            Active ingredients are crucial within a skincare product because that is what causes changes within your skin.  OTC products are concocted to be used on anyone and everyone so they are composed of minimal amounts of active ingredients that really aid in skin care issues.  “OTC products have so many fillers, parabens, dyes, and fragrances that they are most likely watered down.  Look at your products, what is the first ingredient?  This is what your product mostly consists of,” according to www.foreveryoungmedspa.us
            The purpose of using skincare products is to achieve clear skin and get rid of unhealthy skin cells that produce pigmentation issues or uneven skin texture.  Pharmaceutical grade products have the ability to do so since they penetrate through several layers of skin.  Once your collagen and elastin are broken down, your skin lacks a tight and toned appearance.  It is difficult to restore collagen and elastin once it has been damaged, that’s why it is a good idea to use pharmaceutical grade products every day to protect the skin you already have.
            Some of the pharmaceutical grade skincare products that the Shaw Center carries are Obagi Rx Systems and M.D. Systems.  These products help transform your skin for a healthier, refreshed and revitalized appearance from the skin cell to the surface.  The Obagi-C Rx System provides advantages of both presciption-strength 4% hydroquinone and potent Vitamin C to counteract indications of skin damage and help restore and maintain younger-looking skin. Obagi CLENZIderm M.D. Systems are specifically formulated to work together to give optimal results.  The product targets the root of acne to clear skin quickly and help maintain a clear and healthy complexion for a lifetime.

            Contact the Shaw Center at (480)767-1900 for more information on the skincare products we offer!


            Botox has been booming since 2002 when the FDA announced their consent for the use of botulinum toxin type A (Botox Cosmetic) to enhance the image of moderate to severe frown lines between the eyebrows.  In September, the FDA approved the use of Botox for the short-term improvement in the appearance of moderate to severe lateral canthal lines, better known as crow’s feet.  Prior to getting Botox we’re sure you have many questions and we’re here to put your worries to rest!
            Botox is an extremely purified toxin that has to ability to minimize or remove horizontal forehead lines, vertical frown lines and crow’s feet for a short-term.  It decelerates muscles that contract every time you smile, laugh and frown that cause dynamic wrinkles.  Many patients fear that their face will appear frozen, however, if done properly it can lift the brow, providing an attractive and genuine look.  The only reason your face would appear “frozen” is if your doctor does not judge the size of your muscles correctly and overestimates how much Botox is necessary.  Botox is a very safe and basic procedure.  The product is targeted to locations on the face, blocking the nerve impulse to the muscle under the skin in the treated area.  
            After Botox injections, any remaining wrinkles are true wrinkles of the skin.  The left over wrinkles can be treated with one or more of the following procedures that the Shaw Center offers: Pearl, Pearl Fractional, Pixel, PhotoFacial / IPL or Refirme.  Botox is not only used to treat wrinkles but has alternative uses as well.  The injections can be used to treat uncontrolled sweating in palms, soles of feet and in the armpits.  Botox can also be found applicability in the treatment of medical conditions such as strabismus, blepharosplasm, hemifacial spasm, spasmodic dysphonia, oromadibular dystonia and cervical dystonia. 
            Since Botox is an injection, it can be somewhat painful, however, patients report that there is minimal discomfort, comparing the sensation to a bug bite.  Botox usually takes 2-4 days for the results to appear, reflecting the time necessary to disrupt the synaptic process.  There are minimal side effects to the procedure; temporary bruising of the injection site is the most common side effect.   
            Botox Cosmetic is the only FDA approved drug treatment option for lateral cantahl lines.  Since there is no generic substitution available for the product, it is tedious to manufacture and costly.  Botox can be sold per unit or per area depending on where you go.  The Shaw Center provides Botox per unit.  The advantage of paying per unit is that you pay for exactly what you receive because the amount used on each patient varies.  To give you some sort of an idea, an average person needs approximately 20 units to treat horizontal forehead lines, 2 to 10 units to treat crow’s feet around the eyes and 25 units to treat the glabella (the smooth area of the forehead above and between the eyebrows). You can expect the results to last anywhere from three to six months and there is no downtime after the procedure.     
            If you are interested in having Botox, contact the Shaw Center at (480)767-1900!