Today there seems to be more pressure to keep up your appearance, look younger and stay in shape.  According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 1.6 million invasive surgeries were performed in the U.S. in 2012.  Although plastic surgery is becoming more of a norm, just how far is too far?
            We’re sure you’ve all witnessed someone, whether it be first hand or in the media, that has either had too many procedures or went over board with a procedure.  Heidi Montag, reality star, underwent a series of ten surgeries in one day in 2010 that drastically altered her appearance.  She received a mini brow lift, a nose job, neck liposuction, and a breast augmentation among others.  Montag has remorse for a few of the decisions she made stating, “I definitely regret some of the surgeries that I have had over the years, I think I was so young and in such an unstable situation in my life with so much going on and so much pressure.”
            Regardless of how your attitude about your cosmetic procedure comes off to your surgeon, each patient contemplating surgery must endure a certain level of screening prior to a procedure.  Although the extent of the screening differs from case to case, the majority of doctors take that facet of the process more seriously. 
            Even though there aren’t written instructions for how doctors should handle patient’s mental health, forming a relationship with a patient, asking questions and delving into the patient’s history helps give the doctor a sense of whether or not a patient is having a procedure for the correct reasons.  If the doctor gets the sense that the patient is conflicted or having the procedure for the wrong reasons, usually the patient will be referred to a counselor. 
            When it comes time for you to decide whether or not to have a procedure, it’s crucial that this is something for yourself and you do not have ulterior motives such as pleasing a significant other.  Undergoing cosmetic surgery is a great way to boost self-esteem and be comfortable in your own skin but just remember sometimes less is more!   

            Bikini season is right around the corner, are you beach body ready?  In order to help you achieve the ideal figure this summer, we have compiled a list of foods that will help you not only build muscle but lose fat as well. 
            In order to create muscle and reduce fat, it is important to consume an assortment of proteins, vegetables, fruits, carbohydrates and nutritious fats.  Consuming protein aids in forming and preserving muscle while helping fat loss.  Eating healthy fats also aids in fat loss because your body hangs on to fat if you don’t consume any.  Carbohydrates provide your muscles with nourishment while fruits and vegetables are full of vitamins and minerals that are needed to recuperate from workouts. 
            Whole eggs are a great source of protein, containing 7 grams per egg.  Fish oil aids in reducing body fat, although it is recommended you get 9000mg per day, which can be difficult.  In order to reach this daily amount, it is best to think about taking a fish oil supplement.  Wild Salmon provides omega-3 fatty acids while also giving you 20 grams of protein per 100 gram serving.  It is best to opt for wild salmon over farm-raised salmon because it lacks omega-3 because it is corn and grain fed. 
            There are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to yogurt- it just depends on the type you consume.  Avoid frozen yogurt and yogurt with additional sugar and fruit at the bottom.  It is best to consume plain low fat yogurt because it is comprised of bacteria that enhances your gastrointestinal health.  Add berries and flax seeds to your yogurt for additional flavor and nutrients.  Berries are packed with antioxidants that prevent cancer, heart and eye diseases.  Flax seeds are an excellent source of fiber, protein and omega-3, however, avoid flax oil because it does not include any fiber and is unbalanced. 
            We’re all aware that we should eat our greens, but the best ones for you are broccoli, spinach and apples.  Broccoli is packed with soluble fiber and low calorie which aids in reducing fat.  It also contains cancer-fighting phytochemicals and anti-estrogenic indoles.  Spinach prevents muscle and bone loss in addition to cancer and heart diseases due to its top-level nutrition benefits.  Apples are the most powerful antioxidant, aside from cranberries.  Due to pesticide-contamination, choose organic apples. 

            Now that the holidays are officially over and the New Year has just begun, we’re sure your skin has taken a toll from a neglected skincare routine and excess intake of food and alcohol.  Here are some tips to get your skin back to where it should be and glowing again for the New Year!
            Significantly enhancing the amount of water you consume will help aid in noticeably decreasing puffiness.  “Staying hydrated helps to prevent excess fluids from building up around the eyes as well as de-puffing the face from over-imbibing at the holiday parties,” according to
An excess amount of alcohol intake can seriously dehydrate skin, making your skin feel dry and tight the morning after drinking.  Add a couple of drops of a serum that contains hyaluronic acid, such as the Retexturing Activator by SkinCeuticals to your usual skincare routine.  After, utilize a moisturizer containing vitamins A and E to help restore collagen such as the Hydrafirm Eye Brightening Repaire Crème by Zo Meidcal. 
            Make sure that you are getting enough sleep and always washing your face prior to going to bed.  Lack of sleep can cause several issues such as breakouts and dark circles under your eyes.  Going to bed with make-up and/or or not washing your face can cause clogged pores and your skin to become irritated as well.
            If you feel as though your skin needs a little extra TLC, the Spa at the Shaw Center offers chemical peels in various strengths and combinations of chemical agents based on your condition.  Chemical peels aid in repairing skin damage caused by years of sun exposure, minimize fine facial lines on your face and improve skin tone and texture among many other benefits.  If you are interested in a chemical peel or other spa services available at the Shaw Center, call (480) 767-1900 for more information!


 I’m sure we’ve all tried at least one fad diet before, it seems as if the latest trend are juice cleanses.  Juice cleanses can range anywhere from a day to detox or up to a week, sometimes longer.  The main issue with juice cleanses is that they lack necessary nutrients your body needs and do not consist of any protein or fat that are essential to keep your body going.

            “Cleanses purport benefits such as improvements with immune system function, fatigue and depression, weight loss, and an overall detoxification of your system.  In reality, however, there is no scientific evidence in support that cleansing does any of these.  In fact, such diets may not actually remove toxins from your body,” according to Fox News.

            Regardless if you are doing a pure fruit juice cleanse or veggie cleanse, both have very similar affects on your body.  “After two days, with each shot of juice, your insulin levels skyrocket, then crash.  Your glycogen stores are pretty much gone, leaving your tank on empty-and you feeling weak and listless.  Since you’re getting only about half the calories you need, your body draws on two long-term power sources: triglycerides, a type of energy stored in fat cells and protein, taken straight from your muscles.  You begin to lose muscle mass, even if you’re still exercising every day,” according to Women’s Health Mag.

            Generally you do lose weight throughout the duration of a cleanse because of the dramatic reduction in your daily caloric intake.  By the time you end your cleanse and begin to eat solid food, you have lost muscle.  Once you begin eating normal, the calories you consume are likely to turn into fat since you have less muscle mass to burn the calories you are consuming, resulting in weight gain.

            Cleanses and detoxes can fall into the category of fad diets, which in the long run are not a feasible solution for a healthy lifestyle.  Remember to eat everything in moderation and try to focus on having a balanced diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, protein and whole grains! 

Staying well hydrated is particularly important during the summer when it’s hot, hot, hot. But not everyone loves downing glass after glass of water. Sneak more water into your day with these easy tips.

Add a splash
If you find plain water boring, add just a splash of 100 percent fruit juice like orange or apple. You can also freeze the juice into ice cube trays and add them to your water for a splash of flavor without adding too many calories or too much sugar.
Lighten up
Did you know that fresh produce can consist of up to 90 percent water and can count toward your daily intake of H2O? Ditch heavy cold weather foods like stews for lighter fare like salads and juicy fruits like peaches, watermelon and berries.
Try tea
Tea has so many health benefits and can also add toward your daily tally of water. But premade teas can get pretty pricy. To save on this water alternative, invest in a good sun tea jar and make your own with a few of your favorite teabags (experiment with various flavors until you find one you love). Adding herbs like mint and slices of fruit while it soaks in the sun is another great way to add flavor without adding calories.
Get sparkly
If you’re used to sipping soda, the switch to water can be a bit drab. So try carbonated water (or soda water) instead in any flavor you like. Do not confuse soda water with tonic water, however, which can be chock full of calories.

Keep it up
Drinking your eight full glasses of water a day can seem laborious at first, but keep at it. Down a glass first thing in the morning, and try drinking a full glass before each meal (in addition to while you are eating). You will find that drinking more water has all kinds of benefits on your health. Curbing dehydration can ease headaches, help you sleep better and make you feel fuller without as much snacking (which can lead to nearly effortless weight loss!).