Once your appointment is booked for your procedure, it is important to properly prepare not only for your actual surgery but for your recovery time as well.  Before booking your surgery it is crucial that you are fully satisfied with your decision in order to avoid apprehension and nervousness.  We have a few suggestions to make sure you are organized for a speedy recovery!
            Prior to your procedure, Dr. Shaw will give you brochures and information regarding your procedure and what to expect.  Read up on as much as you can and don’t be afraid to ask him any questions you may have to better prepare yourself.  It is best to have someone close to you be there for support once you initially come out of surgery and plan on taking you home.  If they can be around you for a few days following the procedure in order to help take care of you, even better!
            Properly prepare your home for your return from surgery.  Make sure you stock up on healthy food, plenty of pillows, magazines, movies and essential ice packs.  You can fill your prescription for any medication you may need beforehand so it is readily available once you are back at home.  
            It is very common to feel some doubts the night before surgery, which is normal.  Lack of sleep and high blood pressure may come as a result; try some deep breathing or meditation techniques in order to calm yourself down or watch a funny movie to help relax.  Once you are back at home, take it easy, soon enough you will be able to enjoy the benefits of your procedure!   

            Regardless of how much makeup you wear during the day, it is imperative to remove it every night.  Sleeping in your makeup can cause your pores to clog and can eventually draw acne-causing bacteria to your pores.  Overtime, sleeping in your makeup can lead to undesired subjection to free radicals in the air that makeup clasps to.  Fine lines are then developed on the skin because free radicals breakdown healthy collagen. 
            Even though it is essential to take off your makeup every night, using the wrong makeup remover for your skin type can have the same affect as not taking off your makeup.  No matter your skin type, it is best to go with a remover that does not contain preservatives, fragrances or alcohol.  “If you have rosacea or eczema, use a hypoallergenic fragrance-free makeup remover.  Cream or liquid cleansers work well for individuals with sensitive skin.  And if your skin is more tolerant, you will be better able to handle makeup remover cleansing cloths,” according to the Huffington Post.    
            Using alternative products such as baby oil as a makeup remover can lead to clogged pores, eventually causing breakouts in patients susceptible to acne.  An array of makeup removers incorporate active cleansing ingredients that can stay on the skin until it is washed off.  “If they remain, the residue from them may expose the skin to excess amounts of various chemicals including emulsifiers and surfactants,” according to Dr. Susan Stuart, founder and medical director of La Jolla Dermatology.    
            Once your makeup is fully removed, always wash your face afterwards.  Washing your face once all of your makeup is off helps avoid clogged pores, pimples and breakouts.  The Shaw Center carries the ZO Skin Health line that contains ideal products for any skin type ranging from cleansers to exfoliating polishes.  Contact the Shaw Center at (480) 767-1900 to develop a skincare program tailored to your skin needs! 

            With the New Year right around the corner, it’s time to start thinking of your resolutions and ways you wish to improve.  Have you always considered plastic surgery?  You’re not the only one!  According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 14.6 million cosmetic plastic surgery procedures were performed in the U.S. last year.  We have compiled a list of great reason on why you should contemplate going under the knife or having cosmetic procedures. 
            Reconstructive surgery is a great option for those that have insecurities due to scarring or defects.  Accidents can cause disfiguration or scarring that reconstructive surgery can help reduce and eliminate.  Birth defects like cleft lips and ear deformities can be repaired to a standard image through a sequence of surgeries as the person grows.  The majority of women who have undergone a mastectomy turn to reconstructive surgery in order to relieve psychological pain.  
            For those that have undergone a major weight loss, plastic surgery is a great alternative to remove excess skin that you are unable to lose.  One of the most common reasons to get plastic surgery is for your own self-esteem and image.  If you have certain insecurities, plastic surgery will help boost your self-confidence and make you feel better about yourself!
            If you are not ready to commit to plastic surgery, there are many non-invasive treatments, procedures and products that The Shaw Center offers that still produce noticeable results.  Products like Botox can be used to enhance your appearance and can also be used for medical reasons such as reducing migraines and sweating. 
According to Before After Surgery Toolbox, the top ten reasons people give for having plastic surgery are to turn back the hands of time, look like a beauty, not a beast, look smokin’ hot (sometimes like a person one admires), erase mistakes (like scars due to an overzealous sense of immortality), get rid of too much “me,” make more of “me” in the right places, to make my partner happy (wrong reason), to fix what’s broken (reconstructive surgery), to make sex better (because I’ll look and feel sexier), and to be happy with my looks (comfortable in my own skin.) 
            Whatever your reasoning may be for plastic surgery, schedule a consultation with Dr. Shaw at (480) 767-1900 in order to discuss your options and improve yourself for the New Year.  We wish everyone a very happy New Year!