Everything To Know For Your Initial Consultation


Consultations are one of the most essential steps in determining the right procedure for you, and that’s why it’s imperative to know exactly what to expect when going into one. The Spa at The SHAW Center offers complimentary consultations because we understand the importance of assessing your individual needs and tailoring to those. 

Things To Bring
Typically, you’ll want to either know your medical history off hand or even preferably have it with you. This usually includes any medical problems that might run in your immediate family, known allergies and reactions, as well as previous surgeries or procedures you’ve had. You’ll also want to make sure you bring all of your medications, including vitamins and supplements.
Questions To Ask
Come prepared with all of your concerns, such as possible risks, preparations, downtime and post treatment.  This is also an ideal opportunity to learn more about your doctor’s qualifications. Dr. Shaw is especially experienced as a double-boarded Plastic Surgeon, which required 7 years of surgical training alone. 
Financial Plan
Make sure you ask about the available finance options during your consultation. Choosing your surgeon should not be based entirely on price; however, it’s smart to stay away from someone whose fees are way lower than the average. A good rule of thumb in avoiding financial troubles is to have available funds twice as much as the actual cost of the procedure.