Healthy Holiday Survival Guide

During the holiday season, weight gain is something millions of Americans face each year. Overeating too often and not exercising enough can easily add up. Even if weight gain is not dramatic, getting rid of the extra pounds can be a challenge and most people who gain weight between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve don’t lose the weight which adds up year after year.
So how do you prevent weight gain during the season of eating? Here are a few easy tricks to prevent holiday pounds:
1.    Keep treats out of the house: With sugary desserts everywhere you turn, temptation is at an all-time high. Even though there’s nothing you can do about goodies at parties or at the office, try to keep them out of your pantry to cut down on excess snacking. 

2.    Don’t drink your calories: When you go to a party, be conscious of what you are drinking. Although eggnog and other holiday-themed drinks are fun, many have 350 calories or more per glass. It’s ok to indulge a little, but try to stick to your regular drink choices and intake as much as possible.

3.    Be mindful about what your body needs: Getting enough rest between parties and maintaining your workout routine is crucial to keeping off extra pounds. If you plan on indulging at a party, up your workout efforts a bit to counterbalance what you eat and drink.

4.    Remember what the holidays are really about: This time of year is a great way to connect with family and friends. Although enjoying food is a part of celebration, it shouldn’t be the main focus. Put in an extra effort to get to know someone through conversation or hit the dance floor instead of sitting around the buffet. 

5.    Take time out for yourself: Between shopping, entertaining and a full schedule of events, make sure you are taking enough time to relax and do things to help you look and feel your best. If you’re worried about weight gain, counteract it with a non-invasive treatment like SculpSure to get rid of stubborn fat. Not only will you get a head start on your 2016 goals, taking care of yourself can also keep you motivated to stay on track, even with the added temptation.