Get Flirty With Your Fitness: Working Out As A Couple


Getting in shape with your sweetheart can help to raise your heart rate through both cardio and connection. Working out produces endorphins, and endorphins evokes positive feelings so when you exercise together you’re almost guaranteed to boost your relationship’s mood.  And while cuddling up to Netflix or sleeping in until the last possible alarm together is tempting, finding the motivation to get active as a couple can be extremely rewarding. Don’t let your love life derail your plans to get fit, but instead turn it into a date.
Cardio Chemistry
Find your common ground.  So you’re a runner and your partner’s a yogi. There’s no need to give up what you love in order to accommodate for his or her preferred fitness system, but you can still be open-minded. Take a class with them to try it out, and who knows; you may find yourself loving warrior pose. 
Plan It Out
It’s inevitable that your schedules will be different, so find a time that works best for both of you. Each of you set an alarm before work, and know what your gym routine will be before you get there. Making sure that it’s an even mix of what you may like and what they prefer will ensure a balanced and cohesive sesh.
Date Night with Dumbbells
Treat going to the gym like it’s dinner and a movie. Just because you’re wearing Nikes and not lipstick doesn’t mean there  still won’t be quality time. Try to stick together on the treadmill, and ditch the ear buds. Taking breaks is also okay and will give you time to talk and discuss what’s working and what’s not.
Need A Spot?
Working out solo is probably what you’re used to, but partner exercises can also be fun and beneficial.  So partner up, and test out your wheelbarrow push-ups or resistance band combos. Plus, it’s much easier when you have someone there to count for you and encourage you to get through those last couple of reps.
Two Is Better Than One
Make it a point to plan an Acai bowl run post workout or wind down together by meal prepping for the week. Working out together will also make it easier to eat healthy and support one another in making the right choices. Next time you’re thinking about packing your gym bag, extend the invite to your other half!