Augmenting Asymmetrical Breasts
            Women’s breasts are naturally slightly unbalanced due to the heart being on the left side of the body, however, some women may experience severe disproportion, a condition referred to as asymmetry.  Breast asymmetry is considered any difference in form, position or volume of the breast and it impacts more than half of all women. 
            A woman’s breasts may be asymmetrical naturally or become asymmetrical after a breast augmentation.  If the breasts have a difference of one bra cup size or more, this can result in psychological distress.  “In the rare instance that the asymmetry causes such distress that your doctor recommends surgery, talk to the surgeon about breast reduction, rather than implants.  Studies find that women with asymmetry who undergo reduction are generally more satisfied than those who have implants,” according to
            If you experience asymmetrical breasts due to a breast augmentation, a large portion of Dr. Shaw’s practice is dedicated to breast implant revisions, which are specialized procedures designed to improve the results of the previous breast surgery.  Dr. Shaw is considered a national leader in revision breast augmentation by utilizing advanced corrective techniques to improve breast size, shape, symmetry, and feel.
            The most common procedures involved in a breast revision are an implant exchange, capsulectomy/capsulotomy, or a capsulorrhaphy.  Dr. Shaw uses his own techniques to make drastic improvements in these challenging cases.  Since each case is unique, Dr. Shaw constructs a tailored plan to meet each patient’s specific needs and goals.  If you are interested in correcting breast asymmetry, contact the Shaw Center at (480) 767-1900 to schedule a consultation.